Using YouTube to Market Your Product-Should You Hire a Professional?

By now, you have probably heard that using You Tube can be a great way to market your product or your business. But now you’re probably wondering how you should go about making a video.

Should you hire a professional or do it yourself? What if you don’t know anything about making a video-much less one that will make people visit your site? The following article will look at the advantages and disadvantages of hiring a pro or going at it alone.

Advantages of hiring a professional for your You Tube marketing video:

· they presumably know what they’re doing

· they can get the video completed in a time-sensitive manner

· you won’t have to do much more than give them direction as to what you want.

Disadvantages of hiring a professional:

· the cost-pros can be very costly if they know what they’re doing

· time frame-they might not be able to get to you right away

· sleekness of the video-You Tube is primarily known for its laid back/personal video camera look

Advantages of doing it yourself:

· it’s virtually free so if you’re on a budget it can be great

· you have total control of everything

· you can change things as you see fit without taking up other people’s time

Disadvantages of doing it yourself:

· a video that comes off looking amateurish-even by You Tube’s standards

· having no idea what you are doing

· creating a video that just doesn’t keep people entertained

What you can do is write out a script, come up with a concept, and then hire a professional to shoot it. Ako imate sve zajedno što vam je potrebno onda ti to može uštedjeti novac, jer ćete, nadamo se ne zauzima previše svog vremena.

Druga mogućnost, uštedjeti novac, je da ide na lokalnom koledž ili sveučilište i razgovarati s medijskom studenta o pomoći te iz. Oni mogu to učiniti za manje.

Ako zaista želite uštedjeti novac i otići na to sam onda postoje stotine web stranice koje mogu vam dati naputke o tome kako napraviti dobar videa, kao i kako se to tržište nakon što je gore na You Tube. Također, You Tube sama zajednica je dobro mjesto za naučiti vrijedne informacije i savjete o tome kako postupiti s video koji će dobiti pozornost ljudi.

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