Choosing Tags and Categories with Your YouTube Marketing Video

So now you have created a marketing video for your business or product and you have uploaded it to You Tube. What do you do next? The next important thing is choosing your tags and categories for your video.

The tags and categories might be more important than you think. То чак може бити да је у прошлости само прескочио тај део и нису изабрали било уопште. However, како би помогли промоцију свој видео, и да се људи да га пронађем кад је на сајту, морате да изаберете оне које су релевантне.

Први, треба провјерити друге видеа у својој ниши, или да је сличне Вашим, како би сазнали шта ознаке и категорије које су користили за своје видео. То стварно помаже да се осврнемо на оне који имају много хитова. Људи су имали да нађем тај видео некако, posle svega. Не морате да копирате своје ознаке и категорије, али ће вам дати добру идеју о томе шта можете да означите свој видео као.

Друго, Мислим о коришћењу мање популарне категорије. Why? Мислите о томе као велика риба у малом рибњак. If you find a less popular category that your video could fit into, chances are that it will have a very good chance of being found. Being found, posle svega, is one the reasons that you are placing your video on You Tube to begin with.

Putting your video in a less popular category will, in essence, slim down your competition. There are thousands and thousands of videos on You Tube and you must find a way to make yours stand out from the crowd. If you choose one that is not often used, your video might go straight to the top. It’s better to be at the top of a small list than at the bottom, or somewhere in the middle, of a large list.

It could be that your video doesn’t seem to fit into any of the categories that are available. If this is the case, then you might have to do a search on other videos that are similar to yours to see what categories they used.

Tagging your video is equally as important. Try to add as many tag words, or keywords, as you can. You never know what phrase or word someone is going to type in that will lead them to your video.

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