Agħżel Niche An-Tiegħek Pass Importanti fil YouTube Marketing Your Video

Meta inti qed jiffirmaw għal kont Tube Inti sabiex suq tan-negozju tiegħek, Servizzi, jew prodotti, one of the most important things you can do is to choose the right niche. Għaliex? Because it can help you with marketing purposes even within You Tube.

You might be thinking that you don’t want to limit yourself by just choosing one type of niche. Madankollu, think of it as being a small fish in a big pond if you just go with the “Standard” account. By narrowing down your niche, you have a better chance of standing our from the crowd. It also helps people find you. Once they have found you, you will get more clicks on your videos and then hopefully, more clicks to your external website.

Of course, you can always just go with a standard account. Madankollu, if you are marketing something specific then it makes sense to go the extra mile and choose one of the other options. Let’s take a look at them…

1. A Guru Account. Jekk inti espert fil-qasam tiegħek u videos tiegħek ser juru li imbagħad inti għandek jiffirmaw għal kont Guru. Bil-kont Guru inti jista 'jkollhom links għal websites oħra tiegħek mill-paġna tal-profil tiegħek, kif ukoll logo.

2. A Kont Direttur. Inti Spielberg ispirazzjoni? jekk iva, allura għandek tqis kont Direttur li huwa għażla tajba jekk inti qed uploading videos tiegħek li tkun għamilt lilek innifsek sabiex nuru l-kreattività tiegħek.

3. A Kont kummidjant. Ħafna kummidjanti jiffirmaw għall-kontijiet You Tube sabiex tikseb l-espożizzjoni. Tista 'wkoll tippromwovi tiegħek att stand-up, aċċess pubbliku televiżjoni juru, jew saħansitra tiegħek jippromwovu CDs tiegħek. In addition, ma 'dan it-tip ta' kont tista 'wkoll lista turi li jmiss kif ukoll.

4.A Kont mużiċist. mużiċisti aspiranti għandu jagħżel din l-għażla. With a musician’s account, you can promote your music with You Tube. You will be able to choose your music genre, make a logo, show your tour dates, and even give people links in which they can purchase your CDs.

If you decide later that you want to pick a niche and not just stick with “Standard” then you can do that, too. Just go to your channel information page and change your account type.

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