Virali Tips kummerċjalizzazzjoni għall-YouTube Video Your

Jekk inti tagħmel tfittxija każwali fuq l-internet dritt issa għall tips marketing virali, inti ser issib għexieren ta 'websajts b'informazzjoni disponibbli għalik biex jaqraw b'attenzjoni. Għaliex? Minħabba li huwa suġġett jaħraq dawn il-jiem. Huwa no wonder, jew.

Viral marketing jistgħu jintużaw f'ħafna modi differenti, minn videos biex saħansitra e-kotba. Jekk inti qed tipprova tippromwovi negozju tiegħek stess u inti tixtieq li joħolqu vidjo top-talja għal skopijiet kummerċjali imbagħad inti verament posizzjoni mżerżqa tmur ħażin ma viral marketing. viral videos huma l-aktar waħda mill-forom użati ta 'marketing llum.

Of course, hemm xi linji gwida li għandek issegwi meta inti qed tuża viral marketing. Għalkemm huwa simili għal forom oħra ta 'marketing f'ċerti aspetti, għad hemm xi affarijiet li għandek iżżomm f'moħħok meta jinħoloq video. Din li ġejja hija lista ta 'tips li ser jgħinek sabiex tikseb stabbilit fit-triq tiegħek biex jipproduċu video top talja li hija obbligata li ġġib riżultati raba tajbin.

1. Tagħmel in-nies jiftakru dan.
Hemm litteralment eluf u eluf ta 'videos marketing hemmhekk dritt issa. Fil-fatt, ħafna negozji qed jużawhom dawn il-jiem. For that reason, your perfect marketing video must be memorable. If it’s not, then people aren’t going to remember your product. Have you ever seen a commercial that has seemingly nothing to do with the product that it was attempting to sell? Well, do you remember the video itself? That was kind of the point. Although it might not have had a huge connection to the product, you do, in fact, recall the video. In turn, that makes you think of the product. Remember that when yo are making your video.
Madankollu, this is not an excuse to make your product substandard. You must still have an excellent product, too.

2. Make it look professional.
It can be low-budget and still look professional. It can be very annoying when the audio doesn’t match up with the video or when the camera is too shaky. Likewise, bad graphics or poor quality can make the video appear unprofessional. People might get the wrong idea about your product in these instances. Don’t rely on your friends and family to provide unbiased feedback on your video, jew.

3. Make it resistless.
This goes along with making it something that people remember. Hey, it’s okay to use a gimmick. Gimmicks work. You know the gecko from the Geico commercials? Or the taco Bell Chihuahuas?

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