You Tube Video Marketing-The 3 Categories of Videos

When it comes to uploading your videos onto You Tube for marketing purposes, there are actually three categories of videos that they can fit into. These three categories of videos are the kind that generate traffic, which is essentially what you want when it comes to posting your videos on You Tube to begin with-especially if they are meant to market your new product or business.

So, what are the three categories of You Tube videos? The are the educational videos, entertainment videos, and the informational videos.

1. Educational Videos: these videos are meant to show you how to do something. For instance, a girl I know just had her hair done in a 1920’s ‘do for her wedding by having her hair stylist watch an educational video on You Tube. Educational videos might also show you have to change your car oil, change the vent in your heating unit, or even hang a picture correctly.

So you want to market your business, not show someone how to change a light bulb? Well, you can actually market your business using an educational video. Let’s say, for instance, that your business is selling Mary Kay products. You could create a video and show the world how to complete a perfect at home Microdermabrasion.

This would pique interest enough to draw visitors to your own website where they could purchase your products. People like to learn how to do things, posle svega, and this way it feels less like an advertisement if they are actually getting something out of it by watching.

2. Entertainment Videos: these are the videos that a lot of people tune into You Tube to watch. The entertainment video’s main purpose is to entertain people while they watch it. You can also use this in your marketing techniques as well. Similar to using the educational video as a marketing ploy, if you can get people watching then they will remember your product and possibly check out your website as well.

Your marketing video shouldn’t really be a commercial-not when it is on You Tube. With the thousands of videos that are already on the website, you need to stand out from the pack.

3. Informational Videos: the information video gives your viewers…information. Still, you want to ensure that you don’t forget the entertainment value of your marketing video. You can give information without it being dry or technical, or sounding preachy. Do your best not to sound like a late-night infomercial.

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